A zebra appeared to dance with death by leaning it head into the jaws of a hippo but it emerged without any injuries. It went in to do a really strange thing-clean the hippo's teeth.
The hippo is one of world's most aggressive animals and can kill with one snap of its powerful jaws. People who came the zoo where the animals live were amazed to see the zebra craning its neck into the mouth of the water-loving mammal. But their surprise increased when they realised the striped creature was cleaning the hippo's teeth.
The extraordinary specetacle was captured by Jill's Sonsteby, a photographer, at Zurich Zoo, in Switzerland.
The 34-year-old,from Jackson ville, Florida, USA said: "The zebra was in the was same enclosure as the hippo the and its baby. The hippo opened its mouth and let the zebra in there to clean it"
"There was no harm done to the zebra. Everybody was snapping pictures of the sight. It was so great to be there at that moment," he said.